Hello Everyone and welcome to another exciting post of Glaskoin. Blogging is one of the most competitive markets now but another truth is that if you become successful in blogging, you will get to fill your pockets and make a name for yourself. If you are new to blogging or want to start writing blogs, then you should read this post till the end to get motivated.
In today's section, we will talk about the top 10 bloggers of the country, so let's get started.
10. Amit Bhawani
Amit Bhawani is a blogger since 2007. He has been writing about various niches like technology, health, country, blogging, etc. You can visit his website amitbhawani.com.
With an average earning of Rs. 10-15 Lacs per month Amit Bhawani is still working as a blogger and now available on youtube.
Current Location: Hyderabad
9. Jaspal Singh
Jaspal Singh is another well-known blogger who is also the founder of savedelete.com. SaveDelete.com is a multi-niche blog where Jaspal use to write various knowledge bases and helpful posts. With an average earning of 12-20/Month, he resides at number 9.
Location: Jaipur
8. Arun Pabhudesai
Arun is a blogger from Pune who usually talks about tech and gadgets in his blogs to be precise blogs related to telecom, cellphones, internet, and telecommunications. He is also the founder of Trak.in. With an average earning of 15-25L/month, he resides at number 8.
Location: Pune
7. Ashish Sinha
Ashish is one of those bloggers who worked with the big leagues to like Yahoo and IBM. He started his blogging career with his blog Plugged which he rebranded later on. Thru his blog, he talks about leadership, entrepreneurship, tech, start-ups, etc. With an average earning of 22-35L per month, he resides at number 7.
Location: Karnataka
6. Srinivas Tamada
Srinivas is a tech blogger and with his blog 9Lessons, he has achieved great heights in his blogging career. He is a technical blogger who writes about teaching lessons about programming and other web design related tutorials. With average learning of 25-35L, he resides at number 6.
Location: Chennai
5. Varun Krishnan
You might have heard about a website called fonearena.com for comparing the cellphones. Guess what, he is the owner and founder of fonearena.com. Via fonearena he shares information about various phones and related accessories. With an average earning of 35-40L, he resides at number 5.
Location: Chennai.
4. Shraddha Sharma
Shraddha Sharma is the only female blogger who shares the chart with the other top bloggers of the country. She is the founder of youstory.com which is one of the most leading media websites today. with an average earning of 45-55L per annum, she resides at number 4.
Location: Patna
3. Faisal Farooqui
I am very sure that you might have heard about the website called mouthshut.com. Faisal is the founder of mouthshut and also one of the most successful Indian entrepreneurs. With an average earning of 55-60 Lacs, he resides on number 3.
2. Harsh Agarwal
Harsh is well known for his blogging career. Starting with blogging, he eventually started as an affiliate marketing and continuously working since then. He created his team of shouters who work rigorously in providing efficient content. With his blog shoutmeloud.com, he and his team deliver content related to blogging, digital marketing, SEO, affiliate marketing, etc. With an average earning of 55-65L/month, he resides at number 2.
Location: New Delhi
1. Amit Agarwal
Amit Agarwal is the first Indian blogger who inspired many Indian bloggers. He already worked with well-known companies before he started working as a fulltime blogger. With an average earning of 60-80L/month, he is to Top blogger of the country.
Location: New Delhi.
So, guys, this is a very short story about the top 10 bloggers of the country. I hope the article might have inspired you in a way that you might plan for choosing blogging as a career. Do share your feedback in the comment section.
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